Introduction to OpenAI API & ChatGPT API

  • Part 1: Mastering the Essentials of Function Calling with OpenAI: Dive into the fundamentals of effective function calling techniques using OpenAI's tools, ensuring you're fully equipped to utilize these capabilities to their fullest potential.

  • Part 2: Integrating SQL Queries with GPT & OpenAI API for Enhanced Data Insights: Uncover the secrets of merging SQL with artificial intelligence to derive advanced insights from your data, mastering the integration of SQL and AI for comprehensive data analysis.

  • Part 3: Enhancing Chatbot Experiences with Streamlit User Interfaces: Elevate your chatbot projects by incorporating user-friendly web UIs through Streamlit, enhancing user engagement and functionality of your chatbot applications.

  • Part 4: Exploring OpenAI's Embeddings and Similarity Search: Learn how to harness the power of OpenAI's embeddings and similarity search capabilities, applying these advanced features in your applications for improved performance and insights.

  • Part 5: Build Up a Vector Store from Scratch: This session focuses on the step-by-step construction of a vector storage system, providing you with the knowledge to build, manage, and utilize vector stores effectively.

  • Part 6: Crafting a Research Web App with GPT and Streamlit: Learn to merge GPT function calls, similarity search, and Streamlit UI into a single web app. This concise guide will show you how to create a tool for efficiently searching and ranking academic papers by relevance to your queries, enhancing your research capabilities.

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What People Are Saying:

A really great and practical course diving into the possibilities of using LLM's. Super interesting what's possible and which limitations there are currently

Thilo G. - Full Stack Freelancer

€9,00 EUR